Accessories Kolumne Text by Dejan Kovačević

Avoiding sun, giving a look!

Naš suradnik, poznati srpski modni dizajner i dopisnik iz Milana, Dejan Kovačević, ovaj put piše o  jednom od svojih fetiša! Njegov tekst donosimo u originalu.

Buongiorno dragi čitaoci,

ovu kolumnu sam želeo da posvetim jednom od mojih najvećih modnih fetiša, komadima koji su u najvećem broju u mom ormanu i kojima pridajem izuzetno mnogo važnosti. Mnogi od vas koji me poznaju pretpostavljaju o čemu je reč, radi se o sunčanim naočarima.

Zašto su sunčane naočare izuzetno bitan detalj u jednom stajlingu i koja filozofija se nalazi zapravo iza pojma sunčanih naočara? Svi vrlo dobro znamo koja je njihova praktična upotreba i za šta su namenjene, ali u modnom, psihološkom i filozofskom smislu one imaju jednu potpuno drugu konotaciju. Verovatno ste primetili da većina celebrity persona, kao i poneki od nas običnih smrtnika, nose sunčane naočare u svakoj prilici, ne samo kada je izuzetno sunčano vreme, već i kada pada kiša, sneg, u izlascima, pa i u mrklom mraku. Verovatno ste se većinu puta pitali šta sa njima nije u redu i zašto to rade?

Sunčane naočare su jedan moćan modni alat i mogu poslužiti u mnogim situacijama.

Jedna od njih bi svakako bila neprospavana noć i večita muka sa podočnjacima, po meni jednim od najvećih neprijatelja svežeg, kompletnog i luksuznog izgleda.

Druga stvar koju sunčane naočare omogućuju jeste rezervisanost persone. Obzirom da naocare sakrivaju pogled koji svakako odaje vaše misli, stav ili negodovanje ka nekom predmetu ili osobi, a često se možete naći u neprijatnim prilikama povodom toga, sunčane naočare prave određenu ograđenost persone u odnosu na njenu okolinu. Predstavljaju jednu vrstu garda koji je u pojedinim situacijama neophodan.

U modnom smislu one daju određeni statement. Ljubitelji mode i avangarde poput mene uvek će se “zalepiti” za inovativne modele sunčanih naočara što u smislu materijala od kog su izrađene, boje, oblika, itd. Mogu potpuno promeniti konotaciju vašeg stajlinga, futurizam pretvoriti u retro i obrnuto. Eksperimentisanje sa ovim modnim predmetom može doneti izuzetne rezultate u vašem ličnom opisu i privući mnogo pažnje posmatrača.

Naočare za sunce su u istoriji mode bile transformisane na najrazličitije moguće načine, stoga one danas mogu da postoje i u obliku headpiece-a gde izlaze kompletno iz stega svoje inicijalne svrhe.

Posedujem jednu skromnu kolekciju naočara za sunce koja broji oko 20 komada, od onih vintage modela kupljenih na buvljoj pijaci, pa sve to izuzetno skupih firmiranih modela. Zapravo nije bitno koliko jedan par sunčanih naočara košta, vec njegov sklop u jednom outfit-u. Ja sam inače veliki fan oversize modela, stoga vam u ovoj kolumni predstavljam jednu mini selekciju komada od kojih neke posedujem, a neki su jos uvek na mojoj wish listi.

Do sledeće kolumne, arrivederci


Buongiorno dear readers

In this column I wanted to write about one of my biggest fashion fetishes, pieces that count the biggest number in my closet and therefore I give them very much attention. A lot of you that know me personally will know what it is about, it’s about sunglasses.

Why are the sunglasses so important detail in styling, and which philosophy can be found behind these objects? We all know very well their practical and initial purpose, but in a fashion, psychological and philosophical sense they get a completely different connotation . You have probably noticed that most of the celebrities, and some of us “regular people” wear sunglasses in every occasion, not only when it’s extremely sunny, but even when it’s raining, snowing, when we are going out, even in a complete darkness, and you have probably asked yourselves why are doing that and what’s wrong with them.

Sunglasses are one powerful fashion tool and they can serve you in countless occasions.

One of those occasions can very often be a night without sleep and torture with round circles around your eyes which for me are one of the worst enemies for a fresh, complete and luxurious look.

The second thing that sunglasses can give is the look of a reserved person. Sunglasses hide your eyes, which in many cases can tell you attitude, thoughts or non approval of some object or a person around you. You can often find yourself with a non pleasant response in those situations, so sunglasses can be a perfect tool to avoid that. They represent some kind of a wall that divides you from things that surround you, which very often is necessary.

In a fashion sense they give a certain kind of statement. Lovers of avant-garde and fashion, like myself, will always choose some innovative sunglasses made of interesting unusual materials, strange color and shape and so on. Sunglasses can completely change the connotation of your styling, transform the futurism in retro and reverse… Experimenting with this fashion object can bring very interesting and exquisite change in your personal appearance and bring you a lot of the attention from the people around.

In the history of fashion sunglasses were transformed in every possible way, therefore today they exist even in a form of a headpiece, where they completely go out of their initial purpose.

I own a modest collection of sunglasses which counts about 20 pieces, from vintage sunglasses that were bought on a flea market to some expensive pieces with a signature. Actually it is not important how much a pair of sunglasses costs, what’s important is the complete coherence and the way you combine them in you outfit. I am a very big fan of oversized sunglasses, so therefore I present to you some of my favorite pieces. Some of these models I own already, and some of them are still on my wish list.

Until the next column, arrivederci


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