Alexis Bittar naušnice su lijevo a naušnice od Kim Kardashian iz Belle Noelle linije desno. Foto kredit: Stylelite
Alexis Bittar primjećuje tajanstvenu sličnost između njegovog nakita i onog koji je nedavno izdala Kim Kardashian, u liniji Belle Noelle.
Nagrađivani dizajner je ranije iznajmljivao Kim nakit ali sad je najam zaustavljen i kaže, neće je tužiti.
“You have to be very careful to pick and choose your battles. I haven’t talked to Kim about it, the truth is she might not even know. She might be so far removed from it (the design process), and her designers just go shopping and knock things off. But we are definitely not lending to Kim any more, she has been barred.”, rekao je Bittar za New York Post
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