Design Inspiracija

We like… Bentley ‘super-luxury’ SUV

Bentley, a Luxury Brit brand has confirmed it will offer a new uber-luxury SUV. The new  model could be offered with both V12 and plug-in hybrid powertrains.

“For all of the hundreds of thousands of SUV customers that are around the world and drive all kinds of vehicles, they would have a product to differentiate themselves,” told VW-owned brand’s chairman and CEO Wolfgang Durheimer. He has told US site Motor Trend that an SUV built to Bentley standards would change the way buyers think about soft-roaders. Durheimer also said  that an SUVoffering the same level of luxury as Bentley’s other models is something that hasn’t yet been seen.

“In terms of price, it would be positioned above everybody who is there already. I think it’s a big chance for Bentley and for this reason, I am promoting this idea.”

Wolfgang Durheimer previously worked at Porsche. He was a  part of the team that oversaw the introduction of that brand’s groundbreaking Cayenne SUV.




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